
5 things to do in Kaohsiung

1. 體驗高雄捷運 (Take the Kaohsiung Metro)


We know, this seems like a no-brainer, but since Lonely Planet mentioned it, we thought we’d chime in with some praise of our own. Like everything else in Kaohsiung, their Metro system is more relaxed than its Taipei counterpart, making it more than just an efficient way to get around the city. Of course, no visit to the Kaohsiung Metro would be complete without a visit to the Formosa Boulevard Station, whose “Dome of Light” (a multicolored glass installation made up of several thousand glass panels) is an absolute joy to behold. (Need an excuse to see the station? It’s the closest one to the amazing Liuhe Night Market.) 


2. 造訪旗津島 (Visit Qijin Island)


A short ferry from Kaohsiung Harbor brings you to the slender island of Cijin, which offers a carnival atmosphere complete with tons of great food (including excellent seafood), a decent beach given the proximity to the city, and the Qijin Tianhou Temple, an absolute must visit for any serious history buff. First opened in 1673, this is one of Taiwan’s oldest temples, and its first temple to Matsu. The deck of the ferry also offers amazing views of the sunset. (Read more: Something’s Up — Down in Kaohsiung and Tainan: A Cultural-Creative Bloom) 


3. 花些時間遊覽迷人港區 (Spend a few hours in the Harbor arts district) 

在過去十年中,高雄已將其西部港口地區從工業用途轉變為藝術用途,同時美化了該地區,如著名的駁二藝文園區、棧二庫藝文園區,這樣的改變有助於擺脫烏煙瘴氣的工業城市印象。在這裡,您會發現巨大的塊狀紅磚倉庫,變成了充滿藝文、歷史的最佳拍照景點。如果您想感受Werner Herzog 影片中的氛圍同時邊享用一杯新鮮沖泡的精品咖啡,來這裡就對了。

Over the last decade, Kaohsiung has transformed its western harbor area from industrial to artistic use, simultaneously beautifying the area and helping to shake off the city’s industrial reputation. Here you’ll find massive block-long red brick warehouses converted into vast cultural complexes. If catching a Werner Herzog film while enjoying a cup of freshly brewed single-origin coffee is your thing, this is the place to do it. 


4. 享受高雄充滿活力的音樂文化 (Get into Kaohsiung’s vibrant music scene) 

也許是因為租金比台北便宜,但高雄已成為各種音樂家的溫床。獨立音樂場所包括Venue(錄音室,練習室和酒吧/活動空間),Rocks和Black Dog Pub。 DJ場景也很強大,Insomnia Space與DJ練習室和出租店一起扮演了一個創意的共同工作空間。 Insomnia Space的擁有者Teddy Tsai表示,這座城市的年輕人目前對嘻哈舞蹈和音樂很著迷,並定期在高雄文化中心和國家科學技術博物館聚會練習街舞。

Maybe it’s because rents are cheaper than in Taipei, but Kaohsiung has become a hotbed for musicians of all sorts. Indie music spots include Venue (a recording studio, practice room, and bar/event space),  Rocks and the Black Dog Pub. The DJ scene is strong as well, with Insomnia Space acting a creative co-working space with a DJ practice room and rental shop. Insomnia Space’s owner, Teddy Tsai, says that the city’s younger set are currently crazy for hip hop dancing and music, gathering regularly to practice street dancing by the Kaohsiung Cultural Center and the National Science and Technology Museum. 


5. 參訪高雄令人驚艷的廟宇 (Visit Kaohsiung’s amazing temples) 


Of course Kaohsiung is known for the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, but don’t let these two more famous pagodas stop you from getting sidetracked by the plethora of other beautiful temples and pavilions that also sit on Lotus Pond. Visitors looking for a more serious immersive experience should head out to the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Museum, which is connected to the Fo Guang Shan (“Buddha’s Light”) monastery, the largest in Taiwan. Spread out over 100 hectares, the massive complex is worth at least a full afternoon’s outing, containing eight Chinese-style pagodas, several shrines, a 108 meter high seated metal Shakyamuni Buddha statue and (purportedly) several sacred relics of the Buddha himself. (Read more: Taiwan’s Architecture Comes of Age) 



BeautyTakgo | 網美。往美 | IG人氣爆棚景點! | 高雄最美的瞬間一次收錄!



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